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Friday, September 16, 2011

Week 7 Reflection

What: On Thursday we went to the Boys and Girls Gym Club near the Splash Centre. We had a go on the trampoline and it was fun. I finally did a front roll! We had clay for art today and it was very fun! We made a picture on There is a link on the bottom of this post. We had dance and our topic is Thriller by Michael Jackson.
Kerpoof studios...create movies, pictures and more!

So What: I learnt more about procedures and we made a procedure from a journal story. We learnt more about fractions in triangles. We learnt about the moves that the king of pop uses.

Now What: I would like to finish my work for once fully to get a prize at the end of the week. CO2......... Please.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Week 6 Reflection

What: We all went with room 12 to the Rugby Roadshow 2011 at the War Memorial Hall. After that we went to the Searjent Art` Gallery to make movable rugby players. The Ragles rugby team has arrived this week and some people from the class went to the welcoming on the river. We had the cross country yesterday afternoon too!

So What: We learnt about the different countries playing in the cup. We also learnt about the hosts and winners of the previous rugby world cup matches dating back to 1987!! We learnt about oranges and how when it was halftime in a rugby match that the players would have had oranges!

Now What: I would like to accomplish this week is to finish my work as that habit has got inside of me again! I would like to start on CO2 cars!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Week 5 Reflection

What: This week I have been banned from the computers for doing what I shouldn't have. Room 15 went to see the Mayor and Jack Bullock at the Wanganui city council. This week we had running practise once only though because we finish on the day we do running... THURSDAY!

So What: We learnt about cultures in different parts of history. Triangles maths group learnt that you can use addition in fractions. We all liked learning about different rolls of being Mayor of Wanganui.

Now What. I kind of conquered finishing my work so my next is to...... LISTEN TO THE TEACHER AT ALL TIMES!!!!! I want to have a game of tackle seaweed.