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Friday, May 27, 2011

Week 4 Reflection

What: This week we had some highs & lows in work finishing because to many people like Kahu hadn't finished their work and still had not finished their pastel, collage and book covers. We did not have a BP Technology Challenge. We had a IKAN test this week too.

So What: We learnt how to add a link list to our blogs & the Year 6's learnt how to send Email's to other people. We also learnt how to say 'how are you' in Maori. We learnt about writing different phone numbers in/on a piece of paper/book.

Now What: Come on Darian, Finish your work!!! I want to have a BP Technology challenge when we have to construct a go-cart out of cardboard, and Tape.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Week 3 Reflection

What:On Monday we continued keeping our selvessafe and we had a competition about who could keep our own egg alive throughout the week. We did a bit better on the BP Technology Challenge this week, but still it was not good. We had some people staying in for work finishing which was not good! We had a competition against other schools & classes for keeping ourselves safe. We got 30 points but Room 6 got 31 points.

So What: We learned about how many cars go past our school in maths and put it in a tally chart & bar graph to show on our wall. We learned what to do in an emergency with Constable Tanya.

Now What: Next week I REALLY want to make cars out of boxes for our BP Technology Challenge. I also want to go to parenting school to look after children and use one of our habits: Strive for accuracy because I never finish my work.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What: This week we have started doing P.E. We do it every morning now. We had a disastrous BP Technology Challenge. We started a program called keeping ourselves safe with Constable Tanya. We started blending colours on black pieces of paper.
So What: I have learnt about different graphs and tallies. I have also learnt about how to blend colours on pieces of paper. We learnt about keeping ourselves safe.
Now what: I want to take responsible risks, and do some work on making books (because I’m making a book already).